May and June were fun packed and busy months for me. We were doing a lot of hopping back and forth between the east and west for camps and weddings, but now I'm back in Vermont for the next six weeks! After Bend camp, I was back in Stratton for a few weeks. It was nice to move into our condo for the summer and get in some solid training at home. My sister was back for the month of June, so I had a personal training buddy to keep me company!
Sister Iz! |
Quality time with Bernie |
Dragging Parker out on a run on our old stomping grounds |
Family time (Gretchen Powers photo) |
5 year college reunion! |
Classic speeds with the girls |
Running up in Lincoln, VT on a foggy day with Sim |
Celebrating Megan and Dylan with some best friends (Gretchen Powers photo) |
After a few weeks in Vermont, I flew west for Andy and Erika's Montana wedding and the U.S. Ski Team women's camp in Washington that followed. It was a beautiful wedding and a lot of fun to celebrate with so many friends and family. I love spending time in Bozeman because it's pretty much a playground of new mountains to climb. Between wedding activities and adventuring, the week flew by and before I knew it I was headed to the Methow Valley for the next U.S. Ski Team camp.
Hiking out to Emerald Lake in Bozeman |
Dartmouth Ski Team buddies at the wedding! |
Isabel, Mae, Austin, and me |
The beautiful bride :) |
Running in the Jim Bridger trail run. Not too long after this I took a big tumble, maybe due to that untied shoelace! |
Hiking Sacajawea with Mae and Anya |
Rollerski up Hyalite with the SMS girls |
SMS gals at Erika's bridal shower |
The Monday after the wedding I flew to Seattle for our next camp. We drove a few hours to the Methow Valley and settled into our rustic cabins for the week. We were staying in the middle of the wilderness in a couple of beautiful cabins that were given to us for the camp. We had no internet or cell phone service, and it was really nice to be disconnected for awhile! The Methow Valley is a beautiful area, but it's hard to get to. That's probably one of the reasons it has remained so untouched and lovely! We had a hard camp schedule with intervals almost every other day and easy distance runs and skis in between. I felt great for the beginning of camp, but unfortunately came down with a cold about half way through and had to come home a couple days early. I was bummed not to be able to finish up the camp with my team, but I was happy to get in a few days of good training and be able to explore a new area of the country I had never been to.
Tim Baucom (wax tech, friend, and assistant coach for the week) manning the feed station on a long ski up Washington Pass |
Group with some Methow juniors |
Team behind the team. Thanks to everyone who helped make this camp possible! |
Thanks Winthrop PT and Pete! |
Cabin life (Matt Whitcomb photo) |
Skate team sprint intervals |
Team Sprint workout (Matt Whitcomb photo) |
Long ski to the top of Washington Pass |
Once I got home, I took a few days off to kick my cold and started to feel like myself again. Everyone on the SMS Elite Team is back in Stratton and we're looking forward to putting in a solid six weeks of training before heading to New Zealand for our next USST camp at the end of August!
Fingers crossed for more VT days like this! |